Hey guys.
About a year ago, for some reason, I started recording the tiny exercises I make all my favorite students do on the regular (whether it's to introduce and/or reinforce a technique or kill time, you can decide for yourself). I put them on Instagram because FB was being a poop the day I started.
30+ exercises later, the "toothbrush exercises", named for a hopefully daily task that takes about the same time as each exercise, were spread out amongst the pictures of my daily life, food, newborn babies, and general ridiculousness.
Weirdly, I put them on YouTube (which baffles me - why does one video has 5K views and another have zero? why does someone dislike a video about good posture?), mostly so I could embed them here.
And voilà!
Here are all the Toothbrush Exercises (and some yet to come).