Aw, Mae. You're my favorite. (Don't tell your sisters.)
I know Mae Cake is my child because the majority of her photos can be categorized like mine: mouth wide open or eating.
She is an adorable old man, often falling asleep with her pants upbuttoned, and a bottle nearby.
She is the R2-D2 to V's C-3PO. Emotional, protective, and sassy.
She learned how to walk at 10 months, because she had things to do. Now, she RUNS wherever she goes. And then runs back to tell you about the butterfly she saw. And then runs to go find it. And then runs back to tell you it flew away. And then more running.
She makes my heart feel like it will burst almost every day with her huge, toothy grin and her hysterical laugh.
She is odd. Just. So. Odd. I have many videos in a series which I like to call "Dinner with George". After her sisters have long since left the table and she's still [loudly] munching on her entree, she'll share little tidbits from her day with me. But mostly it's just footage of her overacting the process of getting food into her mouth.
She's so excited about life. Ponytails, going to the studio, seeing friends and family, all ellicit SQUEALS of excitement.
And so very goofy.
Happy 4th, Mae Mae. You're a total weirdo and I love you.