Same bat time, same bat channel?
By God, it's Christmas time (see what I did there?) and sorry to get all Christian on your asses, but I'm going to share my Advent adventures with you.
In 2012, with the ladies being able to sort of kind of sometimes understand what Christmas is about, we found this advent calendar, but I wanted to do something MORE. More meaningful, more memorable, more work, more complicated, more fun. Right around December 27th of last year, I saw this and bought this and ...
On the bright side, I was ahead of the game for this year. Here's what I came up...
Advent Adventures
Activity/treat bag for each day (minus days 1 and 2) :
Day 1: Hindered by our cross-country drive home from an East Coast wedding, I thought small. Unleash the Christmas carols!
Day 2: Driving, still, I had planned ahead and used some of our precious cargo space to pack our collection of Christmas books. Adorable holiday themed book-a-thon commence!
Day 3 : Our first day back at home in two weeks, we celebrated with holiday gel clings, or window cookies, as Mae Cake calls them.
Day 4 : A coincidental precipation and V and Mae Cake being sick made "snow dough" a fortunate indoor, low-key plan. That addicting, tactile-sensation combination of cornstarch and shaving cream was good for at least an hour of play.
I was immediately wary of its huge mess factor since the cornstarch basically exploded when I opened the package. The combo starts out as a sticky, overwhelming glop, but after kneading the ingredients together for a minute or so, it becomes a manageable, weird sandy, foamish, dough-like something.
Note : Zoo is in a stage where she can dress herself entirely, but puts every item of clothing on backwards. I cannot help but sing "Kris Kross'll make ya... daddy mac'll make ya..." every time I see her.
What do you do for the holidays? How do you spell the Jewish holiday that's going on right now? Are you cooking, baking, hosting, and shopping like mad or eschewing the hustle and bustle and hiding in a corner?
One year ago: Garbage Challenge - Winning, in which I make a lot of bad jokes.