I was recently lamenting my lack of accessories.
I was recently lamenting my lack of accessories I like.
And am allowed to wear.
You see, I banned myself from wearing bracelets because I am obnoxious when I wear them. Similarily to when I have fake nails on, I use my hands to talk like the most flamboyant Italian, if I have an arm party*, you'll be sure my arms are flailing to make them jingle together as much as possible or just stop pinching me.
I also can't wear long necklaces.
- I have a baby who will yank on it until she gets to wear it.
- I'm going to hit myself in the face with it.
I like to accessorize for teaching and going out, but big neecklaces and earrings have turned out to be safety hazards for me and people around me. For example, I slightly chipped a friend's tooth with a particularly heavy necklace while twirling one night. Give me a large radius, people.
Therefore the choices are limited: one statement bracelet or collar-y type necklace, modestly sized earrings, or...
The Scarf.
Walking through the GDMOA last weekend, and Europe quite a few years ago [not that I equate these two locations at all; if anything, it just illustrated the huge fashion gap between the infinitely cooler Continent and ourselves], The Scarf is The Thing.
The Thing that makes you look put together even if you didn't brush you hair in the morning.
I saw this Scarf in the Urban Outfitters window and realized I have both cute fabric at home and crocheting skillz.
Two hours (total, over a couple of days) and no swearing later, I have The Scarf.
What do you think?
One year ago: Oh, No... - back when I used Hipstamatic for everything.