In the quest to be more materialistic than ever, I'll tell you about the things I like because I can't think of anything else to write:
- my pants from Express. They're the Editor cut and make my butt look like cream cheese, which is apparently a good thing. Plus, they're super-stretchy and crazy-comfortable. And black. I loooove me some black pants.
- my bags - specifically, my Lululemon "Keep On Running" duffel and the MZ Wallace Frankie pocket-laden goodnesses. I am a sucker for bags with pockets and both these bags have so many pockets I don't even use them all. Both bags are sleek and "city" enough where I don't feel like I'm schlepping, even when I have 2 pairs of dance shoes, running shoes, a change of clothes, 3 diapers + wipes, snacks, my wallet, a 32 oz. water bottle, chapstick, Kleenex, pens, notebooks, sunglasses with strangely large case, and more snacks ALL IN ONE BAG. Plus, both work mighty fine as diaper bags and carry-ons.
- my robot shoes. If you've know me, you'd know my robot shoes. They are silver and have velcro. Because I am 3. They are by Le Coq Sportif and here's how you know they have awesome shoes...
- my car. We bought a used car about 3 years ago and we have put miles and miles and miles on it and it hasn't given us any trouble and it's a great size for 3 kids in carseats and luggage for 5 people and snowboards and stand-up basses and I'm stomping on wood right now because I'm sure the tire rods just broke in half or the engine fell out or something since I just wrote 'it hasn't given us any trouble'.
- my shampoo. Every time I wash my hair STILL, I think it smells sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.
- my hat. I got it 4 years ago at Forever 21 for $5 and I love it. It's the reason I want to learn how to knit, becasue it is falling apart.
That is all. What are some THINGS you love? Mittens? Chair? Washing machine?
On year ago: LLLL.