In the same vein as yesterday's post, here's a less materialistic view:
- The G constantly rapping this song around the house...
- sewing. I love the idea of making this kind of cutiness...
Unfortunately, I have no great love for fabric crafts. I'll throw down a quilt or some fairy costumes once a year, but I'm not going to sit down to make an adorable chicken. Damn.
- HCJ in a really random website tutorial.
Now I'm pretty sure this is not my beloved Harry Connick Jr., but scrolling through Pinterest one day, I saw this photo and was wondering if he did a photo tour of his house or something. No, this is just a tutorial for a "nice idea instead of a window box" that a HCJ doppelganger wanted to model for.
- "that's what she said". It gets me every. time.
- washing my face every night. But I forget! Nah, I'm joking. I just don't care. I seriously have not seen any adverse effects of leaving my makeup on, so I will continue my devil-may-care attitude towards facial cleanliness.
What do you guys like? Have any ideas that you think are GREAT that you always blow off? Any jokes that make you laugh every time? INTERRUPTING STARFISH!
One year ago: Chai It, You Might Like It.