- what better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus than with RAVER BRACELETS?! My auntie brought them to the Christmas Eve festivities after finding them in the dollar section at Target. So you know I'll be stalking that area for $1 fun until the end of time.
- Christmas Eve was... loud. The ladies got to open presents, more or less, all night. They show their thanks by screaming. This was the only picture I got that wasn't a purple blur of excited child.
- Christmas morning, however, was pretty chill. After Midnight (candlelit!) Mass, I got to wake everyone up to open more presents (Santa came, gifties under the tree) at a completely reasonable hour. Then we headed to my folks' house for more presents and caramel rolls.
I swear, the holiday wasn't as materialistic as it sounds.
- made a list of all the things that have been bugging me in 2012 and all the things I want to do in 2013. It's a big list on both sides. And it was cathartic. Worries look stupid once you read them written out. Dreams look awesome once you read them written out.
- not that I was going to, but I never have to see Prometheus because The G DESCRIBED IT TO ME SCENE FOR SCENE. I don't know why I ever ask him, "What was [insert book/movie/song] about?" After he saw The Watchmen, it took him 2. 5 hours to tell me what happened. THE MOVIE IS ONLY 2 HOURS! I did eventually see it, but I really already had seen it, with extra comic-nerd facts thrown in.
- got an egg with two yolks. It was freaky. I made The G eat it.
Dammit. Now he's going to turn into a superhero and not me.
- went to Les Misérables. It was terrible. I mean, Hollywood didn't make it more palatable or anything. Everyone looks terrible. Everyone dies. Plus side, Hugh Jackman is great. Anne Hathaway nailed The Song. If you want to cry for 2.5 hours, go watch that.
How was your holiday? What are you doing tonight? HAVE FUN. BE SAFE.