Halloween was like any other holiday around our house: I had too much makeup on, The G was wearing my clothes, and 2 out of 3 little ladies were crying.
I kid. Sort of.
Back story: Sleeping Beauty, of the Disney variety, is obviously the best princess movie. The music is classic (adapted from the Sleeping Beauty ballet by Tchaikovsky), Aurora/Briar Rose/Sleeping Beauty [her multitude of names is not confusing at all] has an amazing voice, Prince Phillip is funny and brave, and Maleficent has the greatest name AND is the baddest villian of all time.
"Now, shall you deal with ME, O Prince - and all the powers of HELL!" - Maleficent
Watching the movie shortly after Halloween last year, I decided it'd be hilarious to make the little ladies be the three fairies (Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather) and G and I to be Aurora and Prince Phillip.
Of course, I didn't start on these costumes until 4 days before the blessed event.
After cutting out the girls' dress pieces, I decided I would be Picking Berries Aurora, and not Getting Married Aurora, because Picking Berries involved pulling some neutral-colored stuff out of a closet and Getting Married involved an elaborate gown and sparkles. (It's surprising I'm a ballroom dancer, isn't it?)
Here's what G and I used for a template...
Except I really wanted G to have a cape, as seen here. Strangely, I didn't want the hat. People thought he was Dracula unless I was close by. Even with all of us, I think only one house really "got" who we were, but that dude said we were the best costume of the whole night. Who cares, people kept putting candy in my Picking Berries basket, so I'm happy.
The fairies were based off of this scene...
V reminded me that the real fairies had long sleeves and capes, but she still thought her dress was "juuuust bea-u-tiful!" The wings were also a huge hit.
We had to tell Mae Cake that she couldn't really fly, it would just look like she could. Mae Cake also insisted that she WAS NOT Fauna, she wasn't a fairy. She was Tinkerbell. Don't tell her Tink is a fairy, okay?
Zoo just wanted to eat candy and have someone carry her around the neighborhood.
I didn't use a pattern for the dresses, just laid down some clothes that fit each of them on the fabric, cut around them and hoped for the best. Turns out my best was good enough!
Next year, I think we'll do the cast of Annie. Orphans, Daddy Warbucks, and MISS HANNIGAN!
Do you plan ahead for costume parties? What are your favorite go-to costumes? Any plans in the works for next year?
One year ago: Crazy Bread.