This has been a bad day. Not like epicly bad or anything. Just the kind of bad that is full of meaningless frustrations and inconveniences that make you want start chewing tobacco just to spit and shake your head like you're in an old Western and some fool city slicker done untied the horses and left the barn door open and now I have to go clean it up when all I want to do is chew more tobacco and have a quiet lunch with my posse. Or something.
But I'm not going to complain to you, dear reader, because who really EVER wants to listen to someone's complaints?
Unless you're commiserating, and then it is FUN. And should be done over alcoholic beverages.
I spent a little time over the weekend preparing to get my knit on. I have this crazy idea as a birthday present for my broski.
I'll give you the preview.
Yes, that's a spreadsheet. And the word "nerd" in the middle of it. And a whole lot of "p"s and "k"s.
Some of you might know where I'm going with this. If you don't, don't despair. I'll show you the final product next week.
Until then, wish me luck on my dance competition Friday (info here).
No, seriously.
Do it.