Hahaha. I'm so clever. Today's post title is a play on my first post ever. Those were the days.
It's been about five days since our last hook-up and since my interwebs have been working.
Good golly. I thought having a TV was a timesuck. Turns out, if I didn't have WIFI and a blog, I would nerd it up even more by playing, cooking, crafting, dancing, and other whatnots of complete randomness.
Thank God I still had my iPhone, so I could ignore my children like a normal person.
There is a virtual plethora of things I have to catch you up on. So as not to overwhelm you, here's five awesome things...
- braided paper balls. Or woven. Whatevs. They're neat. And soothing to make. Like a zen rock garden for your fingers.
[Source: The Cheese Thief] - clementine candles. I experimented with them over the weekend and they are fun. Party trick! I read that they only lasted a few minutes, but I have had to blow several out after an hour and a half, so... That's more than a "few" in my world. It's, like, "several" times a "few".
- gingerbread house. Nailed it.
- persimmon. Ate one. Or five. They're strange. Honey, jelly, juicy. Cut them open like a tomato, by removing the "sepals" (leafy top core) and cutting them in half, top to bottom. Then scoop the fruit out with a spoon. I hear hear you can eat the whole thing, peel and all. But I wasn't that adventurous.
- knitting. Yes, knitting. So it must be for nerds. 'Cause I'm doing it. Look. It's a thing!
What more could be in store? Well, I hosted a "stitch 'n' bitch" (which I hate the name of... can we come up with a better, more optimistic name for them? like "stitch and share fun stories and skills" or something?), have a tutorial for how to make a wreath, had another surprise for my birthday, and tried some traditional Christmas decorating skills.
It's been a busy week, people.
Stay tuned.