I hosted a "stitch 'n' bitch" over the weekend.
As I said yesterday, I want to come up with a less crass name for crafting and hanging out. Here's my terrible ideas so far...
- Yarn 'n' Yarn. Get it? Like material and telling stories. I told you they were terrible.
- Hook, Wine, and Tinker. As in crochet hooks. I am a nerd.
- Craft and Laugh. Those words rhyme in my head.
Okay, I'll stop. Let me know if you come up with something.
Here's our menu...
I was stoked to host this for a lot of reasons. One: I got to use my mixer for the first time.
Two: I made this awesome looking cake. (I used this cake recipe and this frosting recipe.)
Three: I made pomegranate sangria.
Four: I got to eat and drink said cake and sangria. They were delish.
Five: I got to spend a relaxing afternoon with some neat ladies, who have Skillz.
Like, my crafty heroine has a loom. You know, just a loom, hanging around the house. A loom, I tell you. A looooooooom. Fricking sweet.
Six: I learned how to knit. Well, I learned how to knit and like it. I'm playing around with different holds for the needles, but I already finished my first homework project from my teach, Mrs. Dessert.
Oh. And next to my dishcloth/burpcloth is one of those braided paper balls I was talking about yesterday. Neat.
Do you want to craft with us? Let me know if you're interested! We can plan a crafty fiesta (in a well-lit public place with lots of witnesses, so you don't think I'm trying to kidnap you). Check out this awesome site about knitting in bars - don't you think we should?
The masses are assembling for a shindig. My friendly stalker (hey, Rach!) says she wants to come even though she doesn't know how to knit/crochet. NOT A REQUIREMENT, I say. Hell, I make it up as I go along, anyhoo. A
And acronyms, people. They're so... 2012. Rhyming is totally 2011 ("stitch 'n' bitch"- pshaw!). Can we think of a neato acronym for our crafty get-together?
Like HONK (Honeys Out Naughty Knitting) or CAKEcake (Crochet And Knit, Eat cake) or YODEL (Yarn Over, Drink, Eat... Legit). I think all of these are a good idea.
Hooks it up, peeps! (Bad crochet pun not intended.) Keep emailing/calling/FBing and I'll get the word out on the when and where soon!