As anyone who has stumbled upon a blog knows, there is a mandatory post about the site Pinterest.
If you have any sort of addictive personality, you might want to stop reading. It could get ugly. This site is addictive. Maybe it's too late.
Here's my typical morning:
- wake to alarm sounding for approximately half a second.
- turn off alarm, which opens my phone.
(Yes, my phone is my alarm. It's an iPhone; it does everything.)
- read email and check Facebook.
- open Pinterest app and wait for any other household members to wake up. And by "wait for", I mean, "try not to make."
Pinterest is my go-to site to shut off my brain and chill out to the white noise of great ideas. It's like Facebook for STUFF. Since I don't shop much anymore (read about it here), it's like window shopping for my SOUL.
If you clicked the earlier link, you would find that Pinterest is a "virtual pinboard." When you're surfing the web, you see something you like, and you "pin it," instead of making a bookmark for it on your web browser. Or trying to remember it, like some people do. Silly people. (Yeah, that website I found at 3:30am for the 90%-off designer purses is not likely to be found at a reasonable day and time with my credit card readily available.)
For those of us who are very VISUAL, it is fantastic. I'm all about inspiration, but my inspiring ideas often get lost in my (now obsolete) list of bookmarks via Safari, or a pile of magazines on the floor. Now, I just click on my Pinterest button and BAM! Instant, infinite visual gratification.
The catch is you have to be "invited." In other words, you click on a link to get put on a waiting list to open your account. I'm not sure why you need to wait; it's not exclusive and you don't need to send your resume or references or anything. Without an account, you can still look at all the pins that other people are creating, you just can't make your own boards until you're accepted. Plus, you get a little ego boost when your invite arrives. "They like me!"
There's a button to follow my boards over on the left (yes, I made the Ls with my pointer and thumb to make sure it was the left side).
But here's some of my favorite things with their appropriate links to whet your appetite:
Pretty crochet with a great color scheme. Her website is calmingly beautiful.
In the Buy Buy Buy category:
These shoes are ridiculous. And there are others.
In the Domesticality category:
V has the same bed and I love it, but can't find sheets to fit it. This cute woman's mom made the sheets and the adorableness surrounding it. How great is a simple kid's room? It's great.
In the Foodilicious category:
Um, homemade Samoas? OKAY!
A few extras that really defy categories:
(no link-sorry!)
(no link here either)
The End.